It’s time national associations joined hands for a Common Minimum Programme!
- By Biji Eapen --
- October 21, 2020 --
Nowadays, service providers like Airlines, Hotels and Cruise companies etc. are bypassing Travel Agents and intermediaries and denying appropriate remuneration to agents, who are the extended sales arms to promote and propagate the products and services of service providers.
Covid-19, the pandemic has taught a lot of experiences and lessons to travellers, travel agents and tour agents globally. Technology is penetrating every part of the aviation, travel, tourism and hospitality industries, but human potential or human touch is one of the elements which determine its value. It includes social importance and emphasizes knowledge, potential creativeness, responsiveness, reliability and accountability.
Travel agents and tour operators played a significant role to help passengers when they struggled with cancellations and the refunding process. When a travel agent issues a ticket, he is responsible and accountable, and his priority will be for personalized services, customer loyalty and more extended relations and the Commission or Service Charges are his source of income. Though there is no law barring and limiting the quantum of service charges, natural justice warrants the quality and quantum of service to make the service charge justifiable.
The aviation sector in India is facing an economic meltdown, and nose-dives millions of travel agents and tour operators dependent upon it for their livelihoods into debt, and the ‘domino effect’ also results in massive job losses across the entire supply chain, hitting employees and those in self-employment.
Indian carriers are now enjoying a bailout by way of holding crores of rupees of the non-refunded tickets issued before and after lockdown, by pleading financial distress, to keep the refund amount as credit shells till March 2021.
Travel Agents play a vital role in promoting a market share of Airlines and sell almost 80% of the Airline tickets in India. Whereas, agents are not reimbursed by airlines for the services rendered on their behalf. Though ‘commission ‘ is agents’ regulatory right for sale of the ticket, neither MoCA nor national carrier Air India supported travel agents, especially during these difficult times. Instead, warned agents for overcharging and directed passengers not to pay any amount over the ticketed fare.
Nowadays, service providers like Airlines, Hotels and Cruise companies etc. are bypassing Travel Agents and intermediaries and denying appropriate remuneration to agents, who are the extended sales arms to promote and propagate the products and services of service providers.
For Travel Agents and Tour Operators, Commission, Remuneration or Service Charge are the only source of income for survival, without which no Travel Agent can survive. Marketing & Selling the services of Service Providers are not supposed to be free, charity or kindness.
Primarily, we have to foresee the post-COVID situation, where air traffic or tourism will be very meagre due to the worldwide uncertainties which are unresolved yet. The bane of our Industry is that we are still unorganized and do not have a common platform to discuss our issues. Agents selling tickets, hotels, tour packages, cruises or any such services and products are ‘Commission Agents‘, and we should not be confined to the divide and rule policy of the Service Providers & Regulators. We have to recognize, respect and accept each other in the Industry and join hand in hand to stand UNITED for the overall benefit and welfare of our Industry at large.
There are many lessons which we all learned from life and so with unity among us; we can achieve many things. BSP designed like a sales funnel to get us to pay more than we could. For IATA accreditation and BSP enhanced usage, an agent has to pay off $595 per annum over and above their financial guarantees – A moneyless or non-monetary economy transaction. Six months over now, these funds are in IATA BSP kitty, without providing any services to Agents. Uncertainties are continuing. Air bubble agreements between select countries may prolong till next summer, as many countries opened partially or being closed for the second or third wave of the pandemic.
Airline Commission is a matter which fundamentally affected the very survival of travel agents. There was no unity, either within the Trade or had any consensus among Agents’ Associations. While in 2008, when TAAI and TAFI opted for ‘transaction fee’ instead of commission, IAAI demanded ‘commission’. IAAI solely approached Kerala High Court, resulted, DGCA on March 5, 2010 and MoCA on September 16, 2013 passed favourable orders endorsing that ‘Commission’ is an integral part of the FARE which forms the TARIFF and further mandated that ‘Commission’ is the legal remuneration to Travel Agents. A landmark victory, protecting the regulatory rights of Travel Agents. As a fraternity, we should know our strengths and weaknesses, and be proud to be the representatives or ambassadors of these Airlines and other service providers in promoting and selling their services.
We have families and dependents and are going through difficult times. This pandemic is rigidly hitting our Industry, and recovery is vital to prevent millions of people from being driven into extreme poverty. And, the crisis has shown us the importance of coordination to overcome the vulnerability of our Industry and become more resilient. It is essential and need of the hour to recognize that ‘united we stand, divided we fall.’
The impact of the crisis felt throughout the entire travel and tourism ecosystem, and rebuilding and restructuring will require a joined-up approach. We at IAAI wholeheartedly put forward a suggestion to form a consortium or common platform of Travel Agents Associations along with other tourism, transport and hospitality-related Industry Associations, who are surviving on
‘commission or remuneration’. And, jointly work together to achieve significant recovery and collectively represent the interests and requirements of the Industry and its stakeholders.
We request the leadership of all Travel & Tourism national Associations in India to come forward and positively respond to our suggestion, to protect and safeguard our Industry. Every individual or organization should have a vision as well, a set of dreams. So let us put it together for the common goals and jointly, shoulder to shoulder, work under a national forum of Travel & Tourism Association to form an excellent platform for the aggregate benefit of our Industry at large. IAAI further suggests the formation of the common platform as an alliance of Travel & Tourism Associations working with a ‘Common Minimum Programme’ agreeable to all National Associations in India.
With the increasing volatility of currencies and uncertainties veiling in the global economy creates significant challenges for the survival of Travel Agents in India. Given the same, the need of the hour is to raise our voice against the unilateral, unfair and unacceptable decision of Airlines. They are not parting the fair commission to Travel Agents as set forth by the national law.
India became a signatory to the Chicago Convention, the partnership and regulatory existence of Travel Agencies with Airlines established in 1944. Unless the Travel Agents are not recognized as partners according to IATA Resolution 824, Passenger Agency Sales Agreement, Clause No. 9, and pays a fair commission, the agents will become retailers and lose the immunity under the Warsaw Convention. The indicative reference held by Hon. Supreme Court of India in the PIL regarding ticket refund case also points towards this.
The new normal requires a substantial shift in livelihood and survival of all stakeholders. To create a new kind of perception to solve our problems, we need unity. It implies cooperation amid diversity, and the accord should be the exclusivity of the Trade Associations working with ‘commission’. First, we have to sort out matters together for the welfare of the entire ‘commission agents’ community.
Let us get inspired with the words of Henry Ford: “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is a success.” Let us unite and make a change to our existence!
DISCLAIMER: The views expressed are solely of the author and ETTravelWorld.com does not necessarily subscribe to it. ETTravelWorld.com shall not be responsible for any damage caused to any person/organisation directly or indirectly.
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